Solutions PT Blog

Thoughts From the Road

Written by Ian Kilner | Oct 7, 2021 10:25:00 AM

Welcome to the first edition of thoughts from the road.

I’m Ian Kilner, the Partner Manager for SolutionsPT.  I spend a lot of time in the company of our partners; be it on the phone, in person or in the context of joint meetings with end users. 

On my travels I pick up on market trends and challenges, and then look to find ways that our partners (you guys) can capitalise on them.  I wanted to share with you some of the things I've been reflecting on lately, which I hope you'll find useful in translating to customer value.

The dawn of digital

I was wondering the other day how old a person would need to be to remember the age before the internet existed.  The answer?  A mature, 25 years old.  Wow!  This workforce is no longer 'on the way', they are already here living, working and making decisions, amongst us.

But why is this important?  Well, members of the digital age have an entirely different perspective on the world compared to the generations which preceded them.  They do not expect to have to retain knowledge in the traditional way; they expect to be able the get the answers to their questions through the tools provided to them.

Technology enables their world view.  In this world, everything is connected and it always has been.  Everything is on demand and everything is digital.  Analogue solutions just don’t cut it.

My point here is that we must be mindful of the sorts of younger professionals who are entering into the employment market.  Companies have to start providing digitally connected solutions which meet the demands of this next generation.  The System Integrator community is the enabler for the industrial world to bridge that gap.

Partners drive change

Do not underestimate your influence on how your clients perceive technology and its adoption.  The success of your clients has a direct impact on the long-term success of your own companies.  Corporations that do not provide these next generation solutions will find it increasingly difficult to recruit the best new talent the market has to offer.

Conversely, those that do will not only find advantages in recruitment and retention of the digital generation, they will also benefit from the competitive advantages that digitally connected technologies afford them.

It's my mission, as your link into SolutionsPT and the AVEVA technology stack, to enable that digital transformation.  I look forward to working with each and every one of you to drive the adoption of the connected technologies the digital world demands and providing the returns both your organisation and your customers rely on.

Thanks for joining me on this journey, I'll be back soon with more thoughts from the road but if your want to talk about enabling digital transformation please contact me at any time.


Ian Kilner

Partner Manager for SolutionsPT

For more information about our next generation technologies please get in touch.